5 Tips for Increasing Website Traffic During This Internet Error

If you are among those who do not have a plan or strategy, let us work together to develop one as soon as possible. Now is the time to bring your A-game in order to stay ahead of your competitors.

Before we begin, you should be aware that there are numerous approaches you can take to properly prepare for holiday traffic. You may find it difficult to prepare at times; however, you should not let stress discourage you from preparing for your current and potential customers.

Below are the best ways to prepare for and attract more traffic to your website in order to strike it rich this holiday season, with growth in sales and your overall business.

Consider creating a strategy/plan.

Special festivals are usually held in the last two months of the year. So, use your brains and quick thinking to increase your sales during the holiday season. As an online retailer, this period allows you to easily meet your yearly goals because buyer activity is on the rise. All of this, however, cannot be accomplished without a plan or strategy in place.

First, use reports to analyze your expected traffic and sales and build on them. There are many tools like Google Analytics, Clicky Analytics, Mint Analytics, and Piwik to aid in the completion of various types of analyses and reports. These statistics will assist you in determining the most recent trends in what your customers will respond to throughout the holiday season.

Following that, a good strategy is to highlight all holiday dates and use the analyses to determine who your customers will root for.

Make effective use of social media channels.

When it comes to marketing your product or service online for the first time, many retailers are puzzled as to which type of marketing is best for their business.

Because it is both cost-effective and scalable, social media is one of the best marketing models. Many businesses promote their products and/or services on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Blogging and email campaigns are two other low-cost methods of online marketing.

There are many channels out there. But what matter is, is your prospective client on that channel? Consider making good research on your customer avatar before spreading your content on the platform that may not help you in the long run.

Is your checkout process effective?

The checkout process is the final barrier between you and your customer’s purchase. Customers typically prefer stores or marketplaces with a simple transaction process.

To ensure that your customers complete the buyer’s journey, make sure that every step of the process is simple and quick. Since they’ve decided what to buy, your job is to save them time and make their purchase as simple as possible.

That can be challenging if you just hire someone who is not a professional marketer as well as a web designer. Many people make a mistake in hiring newbies with low prices on the internet in the end, they end up with no profitable results.

Hire someone who can ensure that each step of your checkout process is logical and minimal and that your checkout flow is self-explanatory to buyers.

Increase the security and credibility of your website.

Nobody wants to purchase from an untrustworthy seller whose website is neither secure nor credible. Because this rule governs e-commerce, it is critical that your customers trust your operations. Here’s how to secure a website while maintaining credibility.

Consider hosting with us because we provide free SSL for life: Customers are becoming increasingly concerned about the security of websites with which they transact.

Obtaining an SSL certificate is a critical but simple step toward improving the security of your website by encrypting information between a web server and a browser and securing the connection and data transfer from the server to the browser.

The installation is simple, but most hosting services offer SSL solutions at an extra cost. At Digital Ninjas Cloud, we offer FREE SSL certificates for our loyal customers. Furthermore, the use of an SSL certificate clearly influences Google’s search engine ranking.

Optimizing your website for mobile is no longer optional; it is required.

According to research, mobile e-commerce is expected to increase from $2.3 trillion in 2017 to $3.5 trillion this year. To put it another way, mobile devices will continue to play an important role in e-commerce.

Despite the fact that the number of mobile customers is growing by the day, many websites have yet to perfect their mobile experience. Because of the hardware on mobile devices, page speed is more important.

As a result, your images and codes must be optimized for people who use phones or tablets. If your website isn’t responsive or mobile-friendly, now is the time to implement mobile optimization to avoid losing sales or traffic during the holiday season.

That is why mobile optimization is a major focus for us when designing any kind of website for our clients.


These 5 secrets will make driving impressive website traffic much easier and boost your sales and customer satisfaction. The next step is to implement them as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or want to share an effective nugget, please leave a comment in the section below. We appreciate your feedback.

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